
"And any man that shall go and preach this gospel of the kingdom, and fail not to continue faithful in all things, shall not be weary in mind, neither darkened, neither in body, limb, nor joint; and a hair of his head shall not fall to the ground unnoticed. And they shall not go hungry, neither athirst." - Doctrine and Covenants 84:80

Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 16, 2013

Aight.  So just a short lil' update for this week. Sorry, I always say that.  I'm just get so sick of emailing. Only 7 more months till I can talk to ya'll in person! (Note from mom: I think he's off on his countdown, but I don't have the heart to tell him.)

We had 3 more baptisms this last week! Elder Linnell was finally able to go home (problem with the exit visas) and we're just still killin' it here. We have a few more baptisms coming up this January. We are just hoping Elder Jackson doesn't get transferred on transfer day the end of this year. 
Ahh, I hate typing long emails. I started writing in my journal again.  Anyway, I gotta get going so we can get our Christmas cards printed and finish my Christmas shopping. I'll get ya that nativity set if ya want, but it's a little expensive and kinda big so that might have to be the main gift I bring home for ya mom. 

Love ya! Skype ya next week! Can't wait!
(Note from Mom: I was concerned that Elder Molnar is loosing his interest in emailing and posted a comment on FB.  Sister Sperry (the Mission President's wife) wrote:
"Hahaha. I just finished my own family email for the week and thought, "these are all sooo the same." It feels like nothing changes. You know a little like Ground Hog Day. I mean, there are new and different stressful things happening every day, but now that's starting to feel normal to me. Whatever normal is. : )"

I hope she doesn't mind me sharing her comment.  It sure made me feel better.  Honestly, I want to hear everything Elder Molnar shares with us, but I am bored writing to him the same ol', same ol' news (or non-news) from home.  Now I get it!)

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