
"And any man that shall go and preach this gospel of the kingdom, and fail not to continue faithful in all things, shall not be weary in mind, neither darkened, neither in body, limb, nor joint; and a hair of his head shall not fall to the ground unnoticed. And they shall not go hungry, neither athirst." - Doctrine and Covenants 84:80

Thursday, February 21, 2013

2/20/13 - Happy 7 Months to Me!!

What's good? What's good?

Hey!! Soo, that's good to hear all's still going well. I got your packages! Thanks! I hope Valentine's Day was grand. That's so crazy about all the missionaries going out. Be sure to keep me updated on where everyone goes!

Aight, so just a bunch of random-ish stuff from this week. Yesterday a lizard on the ceiling pooped on my food during dinner at a less active's house. Last Saturday we had to go to the church to make a program for a fireside and ended waiting for like an hour for someone to bring us keys. But there was this kid there who's blind in one eye and has terrible eye sight, like 2 inch thick glasses. He had a guitar, so he and I chilled for like an hour playin' and singin' songs. Oh, by the way mom my church is called the Marcela chapel. Ha! I  just can't get away from you can I? 

I had a hot date on Valentine's Day. I went on exchanges with my District Leader, Elder Peter Howie (his mom's name's Marcie too, weird eh?). It was way fun. I miss having a white comp and getting so much attention on the streets and jokin' with people. Some kid said to us in the worst English, hey you play basketball? So we turned around and in Tagalog were just like, WOW! you're so freaking good at English, did you study? Then we gave him a high five and walked off. People love the white kids. 

On Sunday we had dinner at a member's house and she made tacos for us! It was the first time having those in forever! But there was this old nanay there who was brutal. She kept telling me I had to put mayo on my taco, freak! So I would wait till she looked away and try to make on that I had and it eat it real quick, but she always caught me. Then I tried holding up the taco sideways and pretending to pour some in so she thought I had some, but she always caught me! She was brutal. It's my first taco in 5 months! Don't make me ruin it with mayo!!

Yesterday President and Sister Sperry came and worked with Elder Ramos and me for a few appointments. How sick is that? The Sperry's are the best! So much fun working with them. 

Today is our pday cause we had a temple sesh earlier. Way sick as always. We spent most of our time there because we had to get a special wheel chair for this girl in Elder Waite's area. She's 16 and broke her back and has been paralyzed from the waist down ever since. Obviously since people don't have money here, she just lays in bed all day long but we got her a wheel chair from the church, and just in time too 'cause her birthday's on Friday. Cool! Also, on the bus ride home from the temple, this lady came and sat next to Elder Waite and me. She was dressed kinda nappy and had no arms -- just a little stub with like half a finger on one side. We're not supposed to, but Elder Waite and I were like, we should pay for her ticket. So when the bus guy came over, I asked where she was going and we paid for her ticket. She was so happy. She moved seats a second later so there was more room, but she kept smiling at us and saying "thank you"

That's about all for now! I'll write you guys again on Monday! 

Love ya! just be dope!

What up dad? Only a few more weeks to go till next transfers. Elder waite's good. He saves me in our house. So I just chill with him when I can. It's all good though, can't complain too much. I've got a dope area and branch and district and all. But at least I'll have some good stories for after the mish. Anyways! 

Yeah, Section 42 is pretty dope, verse 6 is a classic too if I remember correctly. Just about going two and two preaching the gospel. I've been studying in Alma lately about Alma and Amulek teaching the people in Ammonihah. Way sick! Ha, I actually love reading the scriptures now as a missionary. For real. Just like in Alma 13:23, says something like...the scriptures are there. Rest them and it'll be your own destruction.

I'll talk to you again soon. I'm glad to hear you guys can feel the blessings come.  I'm glad to know works going well. I'll keep you guys in my prayers that you'll be able to go on a mission. Don't let me down!

Love ya tatay!

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